Pumpkin seeds are not peeled (100g.)

39.50 р
  • Product Code: 025
  • Availability: In Stock

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Pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamin and mineral composition. These include: vitamins (groups B, A, C, K, D, E), minerals (calcium, selenium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, manganese, phosphorus), amino acids (glutamic, linolenic, argenin) and vegetable fatty acid.

Pumpkin seeds consume people adhering to vegetarianism, raw food diet and fasting, as a substitute for animal fats. The most useful seeds, not susceptible to heat treatment.

Pumpkin seeds on 32-52% saturated with pumpkin oil, which contains a large amount of zinc required for the health and beauty of the skin, hair and nails, as well as the maintenance of immunity especially in autumn and spring. Zinc also works effectively on the work of the reproductive system of men and women, normalizes the production of sex hormones, is a preventive measure prostate and cervical cancer. The combination of phosphorus and zinc increases sperm motility and quality of eggs.

Cardio-vascular system pumpkin seeds have a beneficial effect on the blood, clean blood vessels from fatty plaques and their elasticity, to the heart muscle and cholesterol.

Substances of pumpkin seeds have a positive effect on the stability of the nervous system, improve memory and fast storing information.

Besides seeds have a positive effect on the digestive tract. They are used to relieve nausea in motion sickness, motion sickness when in the car, and toxemia of pregnancy. Chronic constipation is recommended to use seeds regularly.

Daily use of a handful of raw sunflower seeds protects the body from harmful parasites, including intestinal worms, as well as help to get rid of them. Base material, negative impact on the livelihoods of the parasite - it cucurbitin. That he has a paralyzing effect on the nervous system of the worms, causing them to death. Seeds parasitologists appoint doctors to their patients instead of drugs because This product is non-toxic, non-irritating to the mucous membrane in the bulk has no contraindications and age restrictions. To get rid of worms should be within 3-5 days in the morning on an empty stomach to eat 100 grams of seeds with water.

As a means of burns, skin manifestations of dermatitis and wounds in folk medicine used slurry from svezhepochischennyh pumpkin seeds. For this seed must be carefully pound in a mortar, put on the gauze, folded in two layers, and attach to the sore spot. Within an hour, the pain starts to subside and the wound - tightened.


Micronutrients Calcium, selenium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, manganese, phosphorus; amino acids; fatty vegetable acids
Vitamins В, А, C, К, D, Е
Calorific value 542 kCal.
Country of harvest
Country of harvest Russia

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